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Mission Statement Washington Stars Quilt Guild is committed to further the art of quilting through education, creative charity projects and community connections. Welcome to Washington Stars Quilt Guild
Check out our Facebook page: | Upcoming events
25th Anniversary Logo Wear - Order Now! The 25th Anniversary Committee has put together an assortment of WSQG logo wear/merchandise. Now's your chance to preview what is being offered. Orders will be taken at the next meeting, March 18th and up until the May business meeting. Members Click Here |
Donations to the GuildWe gladly accept donations of quilt fabric, batting, and other sewing items. Donations to our Guild will be used for Community Outreach projects, or to raise funds to support our Guild activities. If you would like to donate, please email us at: wsqg@washingtonstarsquiltguild.com We also accept cash donations on our website at: Donate |