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Mission Statement Washington Stars Quilt Guild is committed to further the arts in quilting through education, charity work, and community connections. Welcome to Washington Stars Quilt Guild
Upcoming events
January Program Meeting - 3 yard quilts Member Cindy Williams spoke to us about three yard quilts. She had lots of examples for making quick, strip pieced quilts for that feeling of instant gratification! She has sorted much of her stash into three yard bundles and has produced over 80 3-yard quilts in the past year. On the right are some of the quilts she showed, The quilts are based on the books from Fabric Cafe. Here's a link to their patterns and books. January Program meeting |
Donations to the GuildWe gladly accept donations of quilt fabric, batting, and other sewing items. Donations to our Guild will be used for Community Outreach projects, or to raise funds to support our Guild activities. If you would like to donate, please email us at: wsqg@washingtonstarsquiltguild.com We also accept cash donations on our website at: Donate |